What's new
  1. 1.12
  2. 1.13
  3. 1.14
  4. 1.15
  5. 1.16
  6. 1.17
  7. 1.18
  8. 1.19
  9. 1.20
Required Dependencies
MythicCrucible, Lib's Disguises, ProtocolLib
Purity is here to challenge your reflexes! Are you fast enough to avoid the hazards of 10+ skils of this powerful divinity?

This is a unique MythicMobs+MythicCrucible pack, fully working and tested for every minecraft versions since 1.12.2 (You will find a different version for each minecraft version).

You can watch a video of this pack here:

This pack contains:
1 powerful boss (Purity, everlasting God of light)
12+ MythicCrucible items with special powers
• Pantheon Arena

Radiant pack screenshots here (Arena, boss, items):

NOTE: You are not allowed to re-sell any part of this content by purchasing it, and no other plugins like mcmmo are guaranteed to work properly with my packs other then the specified ones.

More content from me:

Contact me on Discord or Telegram for support: xlsalvolx#9505 // @xlsalvolx
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Reactions: Ohmerca
First release
Last update
4.90 star(s) 10 ratings

More resources from xlsalvolx

Latest updates

  1. 1.22 update

    Changelog: > Fixed HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS console errore for 1.20.5+ Make sure to contact me on...
  2. 1.21 update

    Changelog: > Tested for minecraft 1.20.4 and minecraft 1.21 Make sure to contact me on telegram...
  3. 1.20 update

    Changelog: > Fixed potential sudden despawn issues for the boss > Fixed melee attack range for...

Latest reviews

This is a great boss pack! Lots of fun with some cool rewards. The dev was also very helpful and solved any problems that I had! Its defiantly fair price for such a well crafted pack
This pack is incredible. the animations are challenges and the boss is insanely hard . if you want players to feel achieved and work and play for weeks on your server to get it. this is for you!!!
4 stars for now, but the Boss is so cool, it works perfectly, just drag and drop, but my problem is that's why I put it into 4 stars is that we bought it and when there's a new update how do we get it since I refreshed the page and it says "Buy for X amount" like do we have to buy it again every update that sounds messed up.
Hello, please if you still have this problem contact me on discord! xlsalvolx#9505
This pack his really really good but i have some issue with the skills and item if someone can help me
Hi! Please contact me on telegram (@xlsalvolx) or discord #xlsalvolx9505 for support
GOOD, all the boss creation with this author are quality.
However, mythic artifacts is dead for 1.16.4
Use mythiccrucible, it's the same as mythicartifacts and it's working fine for 1.16 https://www.mythicmobs.net/index.php?pages/dev-mythiccrucible/
Very nice!
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 2021-01-17
If you want a good quality pack buy this!!
Perfect boss already purchesed 2 bosses. Dev friendly and helpful
Great! By far the most consistent breeder in the entire community.

Do you have a discord for your creations?
Thanks! Yep: xlsalvolx#9505
I just bought an hour ago and i have some issues with it and the author helped me fixed it! i tried the boss it is really good really recommend it!