custom model

  1. Endesman

    The Moonborn & Midnight Werewolves pack 1.5

    AVAILABLE NOW AT MCMODELS.NET Remember to join our discord for support and more stuff! Watch the mechanics preview on YouTube! This amazing pack comes as a full experience: 2 High quality models...
  2. B

    3D Hero's spear 2021-07-31

    Hero's spear is a 3D Model I give you a bb.model file Thank you
  3. R

    Bear Basic - Oso basico V1

  4. MexBotDude

    MexBot’s King Oondasta & Trex Boss Pack 0.0.2

    This Pack includes - King Oondasta Model (6 Animations idle,walk,attack,crush,roar,death) - T-Rex Model (6 Animations idle,walk,attack,crush,roar,death) - Armored T-Rex Model (6 Animations idle,walk,attack,crush,roar,death) - King Oondasta Mount Model (6 Animations...
  5. Endesman

    [ELITE BOSS] Lord Khyadon, The master of ethernal darkness

    Visit the original post, in the MythicMobs pack section VISIT OUR DISCORD FOR MORE COOL STUFF AND SUPPORT! Click to watch his showcase video! Lord Khyadon, The leader of "The ethernal twilight" cult, and the only mortal able to control the staff of Ethernal...
  6. Endesman

    [Passive mob] Forest Deer 1.1

    VISIT OUR DISCORD FOR MORE COOL STUFF AND SUPPORT! A cute forest deer to bring your forests alive! This little dude likes eating grass and walking here and there. It looks around everytime, hungry predators might be trying to hunt it! With 7 High quality...
  7. Endesman

    [ELITE BOSS] Lord Khyadon, The master of ethernal darkness 1.0.3

    VISIT OUR DISCORD FOR MORE COOL STUFF AND SUPPORT! Click to watch his showcase video! Lord Khyadon, The leader of "The ethernal twilight" cult, and the only mortal able to control the staff of Ethernal Darkness, he can manipulate space and time, and bring terror...
  8. D

    Kindletron Sr. [FREE] 2021-03-26

    Kindletron Senior has had come out of retirement to teach newcomers a lesson on respect! This free mob is designed to be simple and bring even the newest minecraft server operator or plugin enthusiast closer to having custom modelled mobs on their server when never thought possible before...
  9. Ticxo

    Model Engine Legacy Edition—Ultimate Entity Model Manager [1.16.5-1.20.4] R3.1.11

    Don't wanna pay me $18? Or simply wants to try it out first? Download the demo version! Demo version has all the functionality of the premium version, but you can only register 6 models. Download latest demo version Inherited ModelAPI's legacy The Ultimate Model Manager—Model Engine is here...