What's new
Version 2.2 Changelog:
- Added "SpawnMobsOnlyInRegion" option
- Added "BossKilledMessage" option with placeholders
- Added config-version for better record keeping of config changes
- Fixed bug where scoreboard lingers if server reloaded during raid
- Minor bugfixes

NOTE: This is an experimental version, the config.yml has been updated. Please save your current config data before updating. To get the updated config you may need to delete your current RaidsPerRegion folder, or you can copy/paste the new config.yml from the main plugin page.
Version 2.1 Changelog:
- Added ability to schedule raids
- Raids can be initiated/scheduled from console
- Fixed bug with Towny mob perms
- Title improvements
- Chat message improvements
Version 2.0 Changelog:
- RaidsPerRegion 1.18.x compatibility at last!
- Updated Towny References
- Updated MythicMobsReferences
- Various bugfixes

NOTE: RaidsPerRegion has officially resumed development almost a year later! RaidsPerRegion has come a long way from its original concept in 1.0 but I think It's still far from reaching its full potential. I will continue to work on the project for the foreseeable future. 2.0 is a stable, updated version of RaidsPerRegion 1.3.

If you are using Raids on a Towny town please note that mob spawning must be enabled in that town for the raid to work properly. I am currently working on getting this resolved, so expect it to be fixed in the next patch / feature update.
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Reactions: LightOfHeaven
Version 1.3 Changelog:
- All commands can now be run through console. This means you can have automatic raids via scheduled tasks
- Added options for running commands on raid win/loss
- Added option for clearing mobs on raid loss

NOTE: The config.yml has been updated. Please save your current config data before updating. To get the updated config you may need to delete your current RaidsPerRegion folder, or you can copy/paste the new config.yml from this page.

Happy Raiding!
Version 1.2 Changelog:
- Added configurable boss option to raids
- Added tab auto-completion to commands
- Various bugfixes

NOTE: The config.yml has been updated. Please save your current config data before updating. To get the updated config you may need to delete your current RaidsPerRegion folder, or you can copy/paste the new config.yml from this page.

Happy Raiding!