What's new
| 80+ Custom Mobs | Region Mobs | 4 Bosses | 400+ Skills | 6 Healthbars | 100+ Items | 10+ Drops |

| 80+ Custom Mobs | Region Mobs | 4 Bosses | 400+ Skills | 6 Healthbars | 100+ Items | 10+ Drops | 2.5.0

- Fixed Crystals, they was broken
- Changed how "Dummy" heal itself
- Fixed Water Creature throwing lots of errors on spawn
- Fixed End Witch throwing particle errors
- Complete reqrite of End Blaze, new mob type and is much more dangerous to meet
- Some passive mobs does not work if damage is added, so that has been fixed
- Added a new skill for Zombies that will slow you down if there's 5 or more zombies around you attacking you, mostly used by Zombie Horde
- Added a new Example file called "Variable Mobs"
- Two new example mobs have been introduced that drop experience points based on their level. The chat will display the mathematical output when defeating these mobs. You can summon them by using "/mm m spawn VARIABLE_EXAMPLE_1" or "/mm m spawn VARIABLE_EXAMPLE_2".
- Creeper Ore explosions will now only affect STONE and ANDESITE blocks. Additionally, the radius of different ores will vary randomly.
- Added to MythicNets homepage most of the Examples of mobs and skills
- A new mob called the "Evil Villager" has been added to Lucky Villager. Instead of giving you rewards, there is a chance it will spawn. If you manage to kill the Evil Villager, it will drop the items as rewards.
- Lucky Villager has been going under small changes such as text, text color, how the skill function and small fixes
- Decreased chance of spawning for Alien
- Fixed "Sam The Snowman"
- Updated to support Paper 1.20.6
- Updated to MM 5.7.0 #5090
- Fixed "SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT" issue
- Fixed "SNOW_SHOVEL" error
- Removed Holo mechanic from Alien
- Rewrote a TIP message when attacking Alien
- Changed The Greatest Knight health from 50 to 500 HP
- Added more information in packinfo.yml
- Removed "Faction" from most MISC mobs
- Added a new mob "Forest Guardian" that only spawns in Dark Forest and will have a skill shooting roots after players
- Because it is so unstable and does only work half the time I've decided to remove "MOTHER_OF_PHANTOM" and "PHANTOM_MINION"
- Increased Gorgon's life from 500 -> 1500
- Changed the bold text "&l" to "<bold>"
- Added FancyDrops to all bosses, that includes a leaderboard where it shows how much damage dealt per player, it also adds hologram name on itemdrops, glow outline on itemdrops
- Zombie Bomber now spawns another entity as a bomb instead of using totem, it makes it so much more smoother when spawning bombs and more customizable
- Added a new example mob that shows information about spawners... Example use it in spawn or in a arena with a spawner... Hologram will disappear when mob from the spawner has been spawned and when the mob is gone, the hologram will re-appear...
- Totally Rewrote Alien
- Added more conditions to Lucky Villager's spawning
- Removed duplication of Custom Mobs, so remove old pack and install this
- Tested With 5.6.0 Free/Premium
- Tested With Paper #426
- Added a new WorldGuard example to show you how to set specific level on mobs in a specific WorldGuard region. It's simple, yet can be hard and frustating for others.
- Optimized Alien Spawn's meteor effects
- Removed duplication of RandomSpawns from Lucky Villager's RandomSpawning file
- Removed "onground" condition from Alien RandomSpawn
- Added entitytype condition to all spiders
- Added more conditions to "CAVE_MINER_SUMMON_TNT", such as incombat and inclam/nearclaim
- Added Brush item to CaveMinerdrops
- Changed Gorgon's Equipment setup, now Gorgon's equipment is added as a drop
- Added a new mob "INVISIBLE_CAVE_SPIDER", swapped Invisible Cave Spider with Invisible Spider, now Invisible Cave Spider spawns under 50Y and regular invisible spider spawns above 50Y
- Added a new mob "ZOMBIE_CAVE_MINER" which has a chance of spawning a TNT and despawning itself, however if you kill it first it got a chance of dropping valuable items(ingots)
- Added random names to KnightClan Minions

Gorgon Changes:
- All Gorgon files has been renamed/changed to either a new name or uppercase, delete old files before updating
- Gorgon Minions will now rally the player triggering it
- Gorgon Minions now have effects on death
- Fixed Gorgon's combat system, now when activating "SKILL_RAPID_ONSLAUGHT" it'll increase in damage and effects
- Fixed activation for Gorgon's skill "GORGON_INSTANT_SUMMON"
- Changed Gorgon minions dmg and hp stats
- Changed Gorgon's messages

The Greatest Knight Changes:
- The Greatest Knight's files has been renamed, delete old files before updating
- The Greatest Knight's skill "SKILL_FORCEPULL" will now throw players in the air
- The Greatest Knight's items has been tweaked

Zombie Changes:
- Zombie Skilled got a duplication of a option setting, that's gone now
- Zombie Skilled skills has been increased in chance
- Zombie Skilled skill "SKILLED_BASH" has been fixed
- Zombie Skilled has increased life, changed Head texture
- Zombie Horde can now summon random custom zombies
- "ZOMBIE_HORDE_START" name has been changed to "ZOMBIE_HORDE_SUMMONER"
- Zombie Horde has been tweaked
- Zombie Explosive has been tweaked and effects are more alive and has a smooth movement
- Totally re-work of Zombie Runner skills
- Zombie Ninja now has a textured head, kinda a fix for that
- Zombie Stunner can now stun ANIMALS and PLAYERS in a radius of 10, max 10 entities around
- Fixed Zombie Thrower's skill
- Fixed Zombie Bomber killed itself with bombs
- Changed "Bomber" name to "ZOMBIE_BOMBER"

Example Changes:
- Splitted "Region & Healthbar mobs" into more files
- Renamed "Region & Healthbar mobs" to "Region, Biome, Healthbar, and More Examples"

- Added 1 new skill example that will setname with set levels
- Added 2 new AI skill examples to show you how to activate skills or deactivate skills
- Totally changed how examples are shown and added small descriptions to every example.

Other Changes:
- All boss names now doesn't have "boss" included in name when using /mm m spawn <>, example /mm m spawn THE_GREATEST_KNIGHT
- Optimized Creeper Bluff
- Increased Blasting Radius for Creeper Bigboomer
- Decreased Poison Frog's spawning chance
- Moved "ZOMBIE_END" to Zombies file
- Moved "SKELETON_END" to Skeleton file
- Totally changed how Knight Clan Minions despawn when Banner Holder has been killed
- Fixed "Knight Leader" not spawns on mount when randomly spawning in the world (it did spawn on mount when spawned by command or egg)
- Changed "ARCHER" name to "SKELETON_ARCHER", changed head texture to fit skills, changed particle colors, fixed "ARCHER_SHIELD" skill
- Changed "SNIPER" name to "SKELETON_SNIPER", changed head texture to fit skills, changed particle colors

- And so much more! Bug fixes, small adjustment, files renamed etc.
- Tested with Paper #392 1.20.4
- Tested with MM Premium #4929
- Splitted all RandomSpawns into separated files like I did with mobs files
- Splitted all Tier Droptables into separated files
- Added an Example Mob that only targets nearby players in a short period of time and then goes into passive mode, and will repeat this
- Added a DistanceFromSpawn Levelling example with skills, instead of using MythicMobs own system of World Scaling
- Added a Dummy mob, a compact and practical enemy, to assess your damage output.
- Added Herobrine (Disabled by default, enable it by increasing the randomspawning chance)
- Removed Zombie Horde rally
- Changed how Zombie Horde spawns
- Decreased the Zombie Horde chance of spawning
- Added a tutorial folder inside the pack for installation for Herobrine skin
- Huge leak with the exp drops from bosses was found and is now fixed, it is highly recommended to update!
- Increased the range a Crystal can teleport away (10 -> 20)
- Crystals can now teleport more randomly and it can go up and down
- Tested with #70 1.20.4
- Tested with MM Premuim v4902
- Fixed "The Eye" ondeath drops
- Fixed "The Eye" other skills from activating when healing or onspawn
- The Eye's minion summoning has been adjusted and decreased the amount a bit
- The Eye can now drop it's head/eye
- The Eye has been tweaked a lot, less particles everywhere but not that noticeable
- The Eye's skill "SKILL_STUNBURST" can now damage players
- The Eye can now target players around when in spawning state