
  1. Barney

    12 Masters Pack | Zufau - Master of Balance ⬛ 1.1.12

    Name: Zufau (You can change the name) Plugin Dependencies - Mythicmobs | MythicmobsExtension | LibsDisguises Description: Zufau is the master of balance. He is the strongest master of the 12 masters. Some say, he could kill all of them alone if he wanted to. Stats: - HP: 1250 (You can change...
  2. Barney

    12 Masters Pack | Xaku - Master of Transformation 1.1.12

    Tested on 1.12.2 Plugin Dependencies - Mythicmobs | Libsdisguise | MythicmobsAddon Name: Xaku (Configurable) Stats: - HP: 1500 (Configurable) - Damage: 2 (Configurable) - Weakness: Nothing - Knockback Resistance: none - Movement Speed: 0.25 (configurable) Skills: - Takeover Amon - » Turns...
  3. Barney

    Lightning Dragon ⚡ Mythicmobs Boss ⚡ RPG BOSS ⚡ 1.1.13

    Tested on 1.12.2 Plugin Dependencies - Mythicmobs | Libsdisguise | MythicmobsAddon | GlowAPI This is the updated version of the "Lightning Dragon" in my duo dragon pack. The Water dragon will be getting an update soon! Name: Saika (You can change the name) Description: This is an anime...
  4. Barney

    Hoxar ⬛ Mythicmobs Boss ⬛ RPG MINI-BOSS ⬛ 1.1.1

    Tested on 1.12.2 Plugin Dependencies - Mythicmobs | Libsdisguise | MythicmobsAddon Name: Hoxar Stats: - HP: 800 (Configurable) - Damage: 20 (Configurable) - Weakness: Melee, Magic, Physical - Knockback Resistance: none - Movement Speed: 0.30 (configurable) Skills: - CorruptedScreech (Sends a...
  5. Barney

    Snow Wizard ⬛ Mythicmobs Mob ⬛ RPG MOB ⬛ 1.1.13

    Tested on 1.12.2 Plugin Dependencies - Mythicmobs | Libsdisguise | MythicmobsAddon Name: Snow Wizard Stats: - HP: 400 (Configurable) // 800 (Phase 2) - Damage: 0 (Uses Spells) - Weakness: Melee - Knockback Resistance: 100% (Except push from enchants) - Movement Speed: 0.20 (configurable)...