As of the time of writing this, Warden extended is currently the only resource I know of with custom bossbar textures for a custom boss
Warden Extended is a custom boss with 2 stages, custom bossbars, and craftable functional items. the resource also includes a vanillamobs.yml, this will modify...
MythicCrafting is a plugin which adds support for creating recipes inside MythicMobs' items. It works with any version supported by MythicMobs
Crafting Recipes:
To add a recipe, first head to the item and add a the Recipe and Ingredients key
Now you can determine the shape of your craft by...
Supported Versions:
- Minecraft 1.12 & 1.13+
- MythicMobs 4.5.7+
In this pack you will get:
- Mobs
- Skills
- Items
This resource lets you create custom recipes with actual blocks that let you reward:
- A summon (Spawning a boss or an ally)
- A mythicitem / command
- Whatever you can think of...