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Schmeier dragon slayer :: Patreon

Schmeier dragon slayer :: Patreon 2023-02-01

  1. 1.19
Required Dependencies
mythicmobs and modelengine
Boss :: Schmeier

This dragon slayer summons a totem, which helps her weaken her enemies which at the same time gives her resistance while she is near it, and her special ability is to activate these totems where they will hurt you every time she does it, knock down the totems before they pile up and claim victory.

Esta caza dragones invoca un tótem, el cuál le ayuda a debilitar a sus enemigos que a la vez le otorga resistencia mientras esté cerca de este, y su habilidad especial es activar estos tótems donde te harán daño cada vez que lo haga, derriba los tótems antes que se acumulen y hazte con la victoria.

Patren level: Crazy little witch

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