Hello everyone! Dante here again with a fresh update to the Dante mob. Sorry for the dry spell everyone, but life has been creeping in the way. Im not as young as I used to be and my free time is scarce.
In any case here is the skinny:
1. Update to 1.15-1.16.5 compatibility (Yayy)
2. completely updated ALL legacy conditions as well as converting ALL of the mobscore system into the score system used in todays MM. (This was replacing about ~1200 iterations of the old mobscore condition. Feel my pain)
3. Fixed bug where Dante would not consume a gold orb that he purchased on death.
4. Fixed a CRUCIAL BUG that went overlooked in the last update. In the last update Dante was set to stop learning all skills after Helm Breaker. This is about 40% of his current skills. A huge oversight and I apologize this wasn't fixed sooner.
5. Removed and commented all Debugging messages. No need to do it yourself, we are in Beta now guys