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Marketplace Changes

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I have decided to make a few major changes to the marketplace to open it up to more people. These changes will be going into effect tonight:
  • Requirements for posting resources have been lowered substantially
  • Free resources can now be posted
  • We no longer take a cut of premium resources.
Our hope is that this will encourage more people to share their creations and just to enjoy MythicMobs!

Happy boss creating!

2.5.0+ MythicLib Dependency

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Going forward as of today, all dev builds and future releases of MythicMobs will require MythicLib also be installed to function.

MythicLib was previously compiled into MythicMobs for your convenience, however as I get closer to releasing Champions that is no longer an option. This library contains all the shared code for my plugins.

You can get MythicLib here (only required for 2.5.0+):

Thanks everyone!

Status Update + Recruiting Moderators / Testers

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Hello everyone! I have several things to bring up today to the MythicMobs community in regards to the future. Please leave comments and feedback in this thread!

Recruiting Moderators / Testers / Forum Staff

I am currently looking for long-time community members that are interested in helping with forum moderation and bug testing. The vast majority of bugs reported on the forums are due to bad configs, or are things that are not even caused by MythicMobs, and this has caused a massive slowdown in public releases and in real bugs being fixed.

These days I do not have as much time to sift through the forums looking for real bugs, as I must try to test and replicate every bug on different versions of MC. When a bug report isn't accurate, this turns into a massive waste of time. Bug Testers will have the ability to mark threads in the Bug Report forum to help me out with sifting through them, and will have a special tag so people know they are knowledgeable.

People that can prove to me they are competent, or who are already well-known in the community as being good and helpful, can PM me if they are interested in helping out in this role. While I cannot offer much in compensation, people doing this will receive free dev builds and will also be added to a special MythicMobs Staff Discord chat where they can speak to me directly and help communicate bugs and also be part of the future of MythicMobs.

Status of 1.10

On top of all the bug issues, 1.10 has also been incredibly slow for a number of reasons. One of the main reasons is the incredible instability of 1.10 in general - it seems to be a very buggy update, and most large servers still run 1.9 with ViaVersion.

Many of the bugs people report with the 1.10 dev builds are actually caused by issues with other plugins, such as LibsDisguises, which do not work 100% on 1.10 still even after several months. This isn't even necessary their fault, but is caused by 1.10's instability.

Many of you have understandably expressed frustration with 1.10 builds not being released yet, but a big part of this is that I am not comfortable releasing something so unstable to the public as that will just further increase the massive torrent of invalid bug reports. Hopefully going forward we will be able to continue smoothing things out to where MythicMobs can have an acceptable 1.10 release.

MiniaturePets Support

On the plus side, support for MiniaturePets is mostly stable at this point, and details will be added to the manual soon. You can do some incredible things with the two plugins working together. Thanks to the MiniaturePets team!