I have gone ahead and released MythicMobs v4.11.0 free version. This contains a ton of bug fixes since the beta release, and some new compatibilities required for the latest Crucible builds, so go and grab that! And if you enjoy it, please leave us a nice review.

Grab it here: https://mythiccraft.io/index.php?pages/official-mythicmobs-download/
Oh, and you probably noticed I said Crucible. Crucible is a re-write of MythicArtifacts, and is now also available here. If you already purchased Artifacts, you should already have access. Let us know if you encounter any problems.
Enchants beta will also be out sooN! Probably this week.

Some of you have already noticed we have a new website!
This isn't just a cosmetic change. We've spent a lot of time upgrading our marketplace so that people in our community can now sell packs directly on the MythicMobs website. It's as easy as entering your paypal email and posting it! This has been requested a billion times and we hope this will help make it easy for people to sell their awesome creations without much pain.
People are able to post for free, or sell:
- Plugins
- Mythic or MMO-related packs such as mobs, skill packs, items, etc
- Art, models, or resource packs
Unofficial plugins on our marketplace all go through an approval process, and our goal is to make sure the MythicCraft site is somewhere you can always find quality stuff for your server. If you're a plugin author, feel free to submit your plugin and reach out to us if you want! Otherwise we'll just look it over carefully.
Please feel free to give us lots of feedback! The Mythic community here has gotten huge, and we want to provide you all with a good experience.