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MythicPet   Leveling System | Custom Icons | Mysql support |

MythicPet Leveling System | Custom Icons | Mysql support | 2022-09-13

fixed out of memory crash
Improved api and fixed bugs
Updated Player Data Sync to 2.0
Still not stable , report if it doesn't work correctly.
Java16 required
Updated ModelEngine dependency to the latest, ModelEngine must be over 2.2.0 version.
Added MountType to the pet config, so you could do like

MountType: flying

to make the pet fly when you mount it.

Fixed Interaction gui sometime get overrides by vanilla inventory.
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Reactions: Taner
/mythicpet setlevel <player> <level>
/mythicpet givePet <player> <petID> <level>
InteractionGUI can be disabled now
fixed a bug that doesn't really affect game play
Fixed modelengine mounting