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[MOB] Bird

[MOB] Bird 0.4

Great job man! Bird looks nice :)
Thanks a lot Dante! :)
haha I noticed that issue, went to a player on my server spawned in a bird to show it, first thing it did was go after him :X
didn't realise its ai was still as a ghast
ahahah thanks a lot :) This is intended to be passive. The problem was related to the ghast code. Myhitmobs AI doesn't work with the Ghast... this mob type is not modifiable. This is so ennoying, because the flying of the ghast is pretty better than a bat. but this is apparently the only flying mob that works. I opened a support request about this
Very cute mob. Simple and to the point. I actually changed the name to Greenfinch on my server because it's a real species of bird and it would make sense since I have other birds on my server. I actually originally found this on Spigot since I spend most of my time there but I come here for mobs, too. The page is down right now, but if it comes back up, I'll be sure to leave you a good review there as well. Please do release more mobs! I love mobs like these.
Moderation on spigot removed it because they want only .jar files. Anyway I will do other mobs
Awesome bird! I love custom mobs using heads. Keep up the good wok!

I've added it to my server and given you credit. ^_^
Credit: http://porkopolis.enjin.com/wiki/m/47234240/viewthread/31303304-credits

Thanks for your credit and review, appreciated :)