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| Elementals Classes | 200+ Advanced Skills | MMOCore Damage System |

| Elementals Classes | 200+ Advanced Skills | MMOCore Damage System | 1.3.3

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Required Dependencies
MMOCore, MythicMobs Premium, MythicLib

Introducing "Elemental Classes"
That offers ten captivating classes that unlock the power of the elements. Master earth, fire, water, air, light, dark, ice, void, toxin, and lightning to become a skilled sorcerer, protector, or explorer in the world of elemental magic.

Got more ideas?
Feel free to add them or let me know to include them! It's easy to use, yet powerful and it works!


What does the pack contains?

- 10 Different Elemental Classes
( Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Dark, Light, Ice, Void, Lightning, Toxin )
- 200+ Skills
( 6 advanced skills per elemental )
- Pre-made GUI Class Selection
- Skills Name & Description
- Custom MMO Damage system
- Custom max mana per elemental
- Modifiers that supports skills
- Attributes in all classes
- Skillbuffs
- EXP Curve File

(Goes to lvl 50)
- Ally Support

Class Showcase

All Skills

Elemental: Earth Skills
Earth Rage
The Earthbender summons a protective layer of armor, reducing damage taken, at the same time being more aggressive.

Earth Slam
The Earthbender slams the ground, creating a shockwave that damages and knocks back enemies.

Rock Throw
The Earthbender throws a large rock at the target, dealing damage.

The Earthbender causes the ground to tremble, damaging and slowing down nearby enemies.

Tremor Strike
The Earthbender causes a tremor strike around itself to stun enemies

Quake Scatter
The Earthbender skill that fractures the ground, hurling shards of elemental power at nearby targets in a chaotic barrage.

Elemental: Ice Skills

The Icebender hurls a chilling frostbolt at their target, dealing damage and slowing their movement.

Frozen Barrier
The Icebender summons a protective barrier of ice, and when enemies stand inside the barrier they'll take damage.

Icy Winds
The Icebender summons icy winds, pushing enemies away and slowing their movement for a short duration.

Frost Nova
The Icebender unleashes a powerful frost nova, damaging and freezing enemies within a radius.

Glacial Prison
The Icebender encases their target in a prison of ice, immobilizing them for a duration.

Glacial Shatter
The Icebender commands Frost Reckoning, freezing the ground and foes alike. Those struck detonate into a flurry of icy shards.

Elemental: Water Skills

Water Whip
The Waterbender forms a whip made of water, striking and slowing down enemies.

Healing Surge
The Waterbender channels healing water energy, restoring health to nearby allies.

Water Prison
The Waterbender encases the target in a prison of water, immobilizing them temporarily.

Tidal Wave
The Waterbender summons a massive tidal wave, damaging and knocking back enemies in its path.

Water Shield
The Waterbender creates a shield of water around themselves, reducing damage taken.

Aqua Glide
The Waterbender sends forth a fluid orb that elegantly trails along the ground, targeting enemies with precise aquatic force.

Elemental: Light Skills

Radiant Beam
The Lightbender unleashes a powerful beam of pure light, damaging and blinding enemies in its path.

Healing Aura
The Lightbender emits a healing aura, restoring health to nearby allies.

Illuminating Burst
The Lightbender unleash radiant energy to launch an illuminating projectile, mesmerize onlookers, defeat enemies with explosive force.

Sacred Aura
The Lightbender emit a radiant aura, providing health regeneration and increased resistance to damage for yourself and nearby allies.

Aurora Burst
The Lightbender releases a burst of radiant energy, damaging enemies and providing a temporary speed boost to allies.

Solar Flare
The Lightbender channels the ethereal glow of light, sculpting it into a static luminescent orb hovering in the air, poised to discharge with swift accuracy towards nearby entities.

Elemental: Dark Skills

Shadow Bolt
The Darkbender conjures a bolt of dark energy and hurls it at their enemies, causing damage.

Soul Drain
The Darkbender drains the life force from their enemies, dealing damage and healing themselves in the process.

Shadow Cloak
The Darkbender envelops themselves in a shroud of shadows, becoming harder to detect, reducing incoming damage, increasing speed and will infect close entities and damage them.

Curse of Despair
The Darkbender curses their enemies, inflicting them with despair and weakness, reducing their damage output.

Void Storm
The Darkbender summons a storm of dark energy, causing chaos and dealing damage to all nearby enemies.

Abyssal Tether
The Darkbender hurls shadow projectiles, chaining them to multiple entities and dealing damage each.

Elemental: Fire Skills

The Firebender hurls a blazing fireball at their enemies, causing damage on impact.

The Firebender focuses their energy to create an explosive blast, damaging and setting enemies on fire.

Blaze Aura
The Firebender surrounds themselves with intense flames, damaging nearby enemies and applying a burning effect.

Fire Shield
The Firebender conjures a shield of fire, reducing incoming damage.

The Firebender unleashes a devastating wave of fire, engulfing all enemies in flames and causing massive damage over time.

Fury Slash
The Firebender slashes through the air, leaving trails of blazing arcs that sear with intense heat and crackling energy.

Elemental: Air Skills

Air Gust
The Airbender conjures a strong gust of wind, pushing enemies away.

Wind Walk
The Airbender becomes one with the wind, increasing their movement speed dramatically.

Air Cyclone
The Airbender creates a powerful cyclone, damaging and suspending enemies in mid-air.

Feather Fall
The Airbender slows their fall, taking no damage from falling and landing gracefully.

Tempest Burst
The Airbender summon a massive burst of wind energy that creates a devasting gust in front of you, damaging and slowing down enemies.

Airweave Mastery
The Airbender jumps and freeze in air, launch targets skyward with precision control.

Elemental: Void Skills

Void Rift
Tear open a rift to the Void, pulling nearby enemies towards the center and stunning them for 2 seconds. After the rift collapses, it deals moderate Void damage to all enemies caught in its radius.

Abyssal Chain
Fire a chain of pure Void energy that binds you and your target. For 5 seconds, you siphon health from the target while slowing them down.

Void Shift
Shift forward when croucing and moving at the same time, hide from players and mobs, becoming a shadowy figure that moves with increased speed. During this time, you spawn a cloud of void behind you damaging entities if they move near it.

Singularity Surge
Charge Void energy into a single point, creating a mini-singularity that explodes after 2 seconds, dealing massive area damage. The damage increases based on how many enemies are nearby.

Void Chains
Summons chains of void energy that bind 5 enemies in place, stunning them for a brief time.

Singularity Collapse
Creates a black hole that pulls in all nearby enemies, dealing crushing void damage as they are drawn closer.

Elemental: Lightning Skills

Volt Burst
Fires a concentrated burst of electricity, dealing damage to a single target and briefly paralyzing them.

Storm Aura
Make a cloud with electrical energy shooting lightning from the sky, dealing damage over time to nearby enemies.

Static Overload
Channels static electricity into your body, causing the next three attacks to deal bonus lightning damage and paralyze the target for a short duration.

Lightning Spear
Throws a spear of lightning that pierces through enemies, dealing damage to multiple targets in a line.

Magnetic Shield
Surrounds the Lightning Bender with a magnetic field, reflecting projectiles back to their source.

Thunderclap Pulse
Summons a powerful pulse of lightning that strikes all enemies in an area, focusing a final bolt on the weakest target.

Elemental: Toxin Skills

Venom Spray
Unleashes a conical spray of venom, infecting all enemies in front of the user.

Corrosive Cloud
Summons a toxic cloud that lingers, damaging and blinding enemies within the area.

Infuses a powerful neurotoxin into a target, severely weakening their abilities.

Toxic Armor
Covers you in a venomous shield, damaging enemies who hit them.

Venomous Thrust
A deadly strike infused with toxic energy that poisoned the enemy and damaging them over time.

Neurotoxic Gas
Releases a cloud of potent neurotoxins, causing paralysis and disorientation to all enemies caught within.


How to install:
Drag and drop the content from "Class Pack" to the "PLUGINS" folder and click yes to REPLACE files.
You need to either restart or reload plugins.
/mythiclib reload
/mmocore reload
/mm reload

Tested with Paper. [ 1.21.1, 1.21.4]
Tested with MythicMobs version. [ Premium v5.7.2, 5.8.0 ]
MMOCore. #170+
MythicLib. #158+

( I use premium features )

If you are using the free version, most features does not work

MythicMobs Premium

Known issues:

Custom Mobs: Buy Here
8 Elementals: Buy Here
Elemental Classes: Buy Here
Towers: Buy Here

Soaps Items: Buy Here

Please note that purchasing from either Mythiccraft or Soap's Store grants a license for that specific site only. For example, buying from Soap's Store does not provide access to Mythiccraft. However, both sites will receive updates for my resources.

Digital product
License Duration
14.49 USD
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Elementals Classes - UPDATE - 1.3.3

    - Fixed an effect issue with water bender water whip - Fixed a potion issue with Dark bender...
  2. Elementals Classes - UPDATE - 1.3.2

    - Fixed a new bug in latest version of MM Dev, something about potioneffect and targetting was...
  3. Elementals Classes - UPDATE - 1.3.1

    - Fixed Ice Benders "ICE_GLACIAL_SHATTER" - Increased duration for Glacial Shatter - Decreased...

Latest reviews

Awesome! It's just shame that the lightning element hasn't been added yet too, but I understand that coming up with skills for that isnt easy. Tested on 1.21. A few bugs but I believe they will be fixed soon! Thank you!
"Lightning Element" sounds like a great idea; feel free to suggest it on Discord.

All bugs will be fixed in the upcoming updates. Thanks for your review!
Really good work for my game!!!
the way you make resources is absolutely glorious!!!!
This is 100% Recommended for Mythic Dungeons