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| 8 Elementals | 350+ Advanced Skills | Libsdisguise |

| 8 Elementals | 350+ Advanced Skills | Libsdisguise | 2.3.3

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- Tested on Paper 1.21.1 #52
- Tested on Mythicmobs 5.7.1 Premium
- Tested on Mythicmobs 5.7.2 Dev #5184
- Let me introduce you for my newest Elemental "Void", included with 5 new advanced skills.
- Removed SetCooldownSkill for all Elementals and re-added "Cooldown" as an option in the skill
- Changed ICE_SHIELD to be a skill instead, called "ICE_SKILL_4"
- Merged ICE_PROJECTILE into those skills that uses projectiles
- Merged LIGHT_PROJECTILE into those skills that uses projectiles
- Merged EARTH_PROJECTILE into those skills that uses projectiles
- Merged WATER_PROJECTILE into those skills that uses projectiles
- Merged FIRE_PROJECTILE into those skills that uses projectiles
- Merged AIR_PROJECTILE into those skills that uses projectiles
- Light also used Water Projectile, that has been fixed
- Removed 2 skills and shield from Earth, they just didn't fit well
- Earth skill "EARTH_SKILL_3" will no longer kick players when they are in the air
- Changed Fire Shield to be a skill
- Fire now has 6 new skill, basically the same skill but with blue fire and increased damage when going under 50% HP
- Replaced AIR_SKILL_3 with AIR_SKILL_8, it was basically the same skills and at the same time I added more to it and is better and will now damage players in a radius
- Used Fire conditions in Air conditions, that has been fixed
- Merged Air Shield into Air Spawn skill
- Optimized all Elemental damaging skills, less particles and just visually looking better
- "WATER_SKILL_IN_WATER" feature is now disabled by default, it's supposed to be used if you use Water Elemental in water
- All dummy skills has been moved to the bottom of files
- "FIRE_SKILL_2" has been tweaked and does not apply damage resistance to the Fire Elemental anymore
- I did so much of fixing, changing, adding that I can't even remember what I did
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- Changed all Elementals Health from 500 -> 1000
- Added stance conditions to all Elementals, it should minimize the spam of skill-use.
- Earth Elemental has been tweaked
- Elementals didn't actually damaged correctly when using variables, that has been fixed

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- Tested on Paper 1.21
- Tested on Mythicmobs 5.7.0
- Fully re-work of mostly every Earth Skill
- Changed EARTH_RANDOM_SKILL setup
- Added "OnCooldownSkill:" for every Earth Skill
- Added a new "LIGHT_SKILL_4" and a new exploding light dummy
- Fixed "LIGHT_PROJECTILE" and changed particle effect, made it shoot more projectiles instead of once
- If anyone experienced crashes due to Elementals, the issue should now be fixed.

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- Added a forced swinganimation when Elementals are hitting you
- Made it so Elementals will attack you faster when nearby
- Added variable as a damage value now, so it's now easier to change more damage outputs and you can now show the damage you take as a value in example a chat or in a hologram.
- Fixed Air hologram on death
- Changed Fire Elemental way of spawning and doesn't look as bugged now
- Added a new skill for Elemental Air, it can now jump around you and make it harder for you to hit Air Elemental
- Fixed "Light" on spawn skill not doing any damage on hit
- Changed "WATER_SKILL_5" to be more aggressive
- Made an entirely new version of "WATER_SKILL_4"
- Changed "WATER_ON_SPAWN" to have more effects and projectiles in the skill
- Changed how "WATER_SKILL_2" works
- Fixed Ice Dummy and added a projectile skill to it
- Ice Dummy will no longer spawn snow on death
- Ice Dummy has now sound and particle effects on death
- Fixed an ondamaged error with Fire Bender, removed the skill because it was actually really stupid
- "FIRE_SKILL_3" is now better, faster, and more insane unless you can outrun that skill which is possible
- Removed "stun" aura from all Fire Skills and instead added SLOW effect and DAMAGE_RESISTANCE, so it is now even harder to kill Fire Bender
- Changed "FIRE_SKILL_4" to use Fire Projectile instead of arrowvolley mechanic
- Small re-work of "FIRE_SKILL_2", you can now be damaged by "magma_block" the meteors has landed on the ground
- And so much more small adjustment, changes, fixes
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- Changed "SNOW_SHOVEL" to "SNOWFLAKE", it's not supported by 1.20.6
- Changed "WATER_DROP" particle to "FALLING_WATER", it's not supported by 1.20.6
- Updated to support Paper 1.20.6
- Updated to MM 5.7.0 #5090
- Changed Elemental "AIR" sounds
- Added more information in packinfo.yml
- Added Spawner Egg Addon to the pack, it does require Crucible
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    203.2 KB · Views: 77
- Added FancyDrops to all Elementals + A Hologram on death showing most per player damage
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- Tested With 5.6.0 Premium
- Tested With Paper #426
- Small adjustments
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- Tested with MythicMobs Premium v5.5.1
- Tested with Paper #318
- Added a "packinfo.yml"
- Added glowing Elementals upon activating a skill
- All Ice Bullets has been changed to "DISPLAY" bullets
- All Earth Bullets has been changed to "DISPLAY" bullets
- In general optimized projectiles

- Tested with MythicMobs 5.4.0
- Ice Bender's projectiles settings has been adjusted
