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[Free] Osiris, Lord of the Dead 1.0

Pretty cool! thanks for sharing.
The mob is fun to play around with and it is helping me practice with creating my own mobs using MythicMobs. By the way to make this perfect change the summon mummy code to this

Cooldown: 20
- message{m="&e&l<mob.name><&co> Let's see how you deal with the dead!"} @PlayersInRadius{r=40}
- sound{s=entity.zombie.ambient;repeat=1;repeatInterval=5;} @Origin
- Summon{mob=husk;amount=2;radius=2;onSurface=true;} @PlayersInRadius{r=40;limit=1;sort=FURTHEST}

if you dont your just gonna get
✗[33m Config Error for Mechanic line '[4mSummon{mob=mummy;amount=2;radius=2;onSurface=true;}[33m' in 'Unknown': [37mThe 'type' attribute must be a valid MythicMob or MythicEntity type.
in console
Really good, it's working on 1.12.2 :D