- Required Dependencies
- MythicMobs
Rounds Breakdown
☁ Mob may be spawned by an egg or command, followed by a countdown giving players time to participate.
Once the countdown ends nearby players are added to the tournament, and are distributed into even spaces around the central orbital.
⚛ Orbitals spawn in front of each participant, the game then beings. The first round is a test round.
The second round onwards has a target to beat, and players must surpass an amount of clicks to be promoted.
The target clicks and round length is easily configurable, as well as the increments the target clicks increases in, specific rounds can also be modified.
✻ Each players CPS is displayed as they jitter click throughout the round, CPS action bar can refresh up to 20 times a second. Once the round ends, each participants unique Average CPS and Total Clicks are displayed to them. The player who has achieved the most clicks is displayed dynamically, showing their name, skin, and achieved number of clicks.
♜ After each round, if a player has achieved a higher number of clicks then the lowest number of clicks on the leaderboard, the Floating Leaderboard is updated. The leaderboard stores the values of the top 10, your personal best CPS and Round, as well as the highest round ever reached.
⥀ Each round is progressively more difficult, the game ends once all players have lost. After each round, players are rewarded dynamically. Rewards include everything from xp to commands and items. Few experience orbs are dropped over the winners, the total xp dropped is multiplied by x1.5 each new round. Item drops can range from single command items to drop tables, giving a huge amount of playroom for dynamic, random, or custom rewards.
☁ Mob may be spawned by an egg or command, followed by a countdown giving players time to participate.
Once the countdown ends nearby players are added to the tournament, and are distributed into even spaces around the central orbital.
⚛ Orbitals spawn in front of each participant, the game then beings. The first round is a test round.
The second round onwards has a target to beat, and players must surpass an amount of clicks to be promoted.
The target clicks and round length is easily configurable, as well as the increments the target clicks increases in, specific rounds can also be modified.
✻ Each players CPS is displayed as they jitter click throughout the round, CPS action bar can refresh up to 20 times a second. Once the round ends, each participants unique Average CPS and Total Clicks are displayed to them. The player who has achieved the most clicks is displayed dynamically, showing their name, skin, and achieved number of clicks.
♜ After each round, if a player has achieved a higher number of clicks then the lowest number of clicks on the leaderboard, the Floating Leaderboard is updated. The leaderboard stores the values of the top 10, your personal best CPS and Round, as well as the highest round ever reached.
⥀ Each round is progressively more difficult, the game ends once all players have lost. After each round, players are rewarded dynamically. Rewards include everything from xp to commands and items. Few experience orbs are dropped over the winners, the total xp dropped is multiplied by x1.5 each new round. Item drops can range from single command items to drop tables, giving a huge amount of playroom for dynamic, random, or custom rewards.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
over 20 players may the round is announced, as well the results are displayed, the player with the experience orbs are
compete and will be locked as the target total clicks and the your total clicks as well most clicks is displayed dropped over winners,
in an even place until either average cps needed to be promoted as your personal average dynamically and the leader prizes are rewarded,
teleporting or loosing, depending on the rounds length. cps throughout the round. -board is updated. game refreshes ⟳

* Rotating player model requires Lib's Disguises & ProtocolLib
* blockwave effect disabled by default
* CPS works independently from the Average CPS
* works in mostly all terrain
* currently does not work on 1.19 based servers

This resource includes many versatile functions and demonstrates the near limitless capabilities mythicmobs offers. Using only signaling mobs and skills to create a mini-game that looks like it is a standalone plugin.
| on a 4GB localhost run on an HP laptop.
/minecraft:kill @e[type=minecraft:entity_name,name=""] #if you ever need to kill persistent mobs during server crash.
/gamerule sendCommandFeedback false #done after spawning Leaderboard, prevents console spam.
/mm s activate CPSLdrBrd , /mm m listactive #if you somehow manage to loose the Leaderboards location.
/mm m spawn CPSLeaderboardRefresh #if you would like to force refresh leaderboard/ reset it.
/scoreboard objectives remove CPSActive #if CPS shuts down incorrectly and abruptly during server crash.
#this code is mostly dependent on placeholders and does not require any human input to operate functionally.
#this code is fully configurable and every aspect of the code can be changed using the configs. By default, over 20 players can compete against one another. Future updates will make the code easier to understand, but everything can be modified to suit you best.

Let me know as soon as you find a bug/issue here so I can work on fixing it.