What's new
> Fixed HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS console errore for 1.20.5+
Make sure to contact me on telegram or discord if you find any issue! @xlsalvolx // xlsalvolx#9505
> Tested for minecraft 1.20.4 and minecraft 1.21
Make sure to contact me on telegram or discord if you find any issue! @xlsalvolx // xlsalvolx#9505
> Fixed potential sudden despawn issues for the boss
> Fixed melee attack range for the boss
> Fixed potential death issue while going into phase 2

Make sure to contact me on telegram or discord if you find any issue! @xlsalvolx // xlsalvolx
> GlowAPI is no longer required for this pack if you are using recent minecraft versions
> Glows are now handled by Libsdisguises
> Reverted .yml files to .txt
> Updated help and info document
Make sure to contact me on telegram or discord if you find any issue! @xlsalvolx // xlsalvolx#9505
> Fixed mobs equips to address recent dev builds adding up armor protection to mobs
Make sure to contact me on telegram or discord if you find any issue! @xlsalvolx // xlsalvolx#9505
> Updated and tested for minecraft 1.20 and minecraft 1.20.1
Make sure to contact me on telegram or discord if you find any issue! @xlsalvolx // xlsalvolx#9505
> Updated and tested for minecraft 1.19.4
Make sure to contact me on telegram or discord if you find any issue! @xlsalvolx // xlsalvolx#9505
> Updated and tested for minecraft 1.19.3
> More fixes to damage skills
Make sure to contact me on telegram or discord if you find any issue! @xlsalvolx // xlsalvolx#9505
> Updated damage skills with ignore armor option to also ignore enchants
Make sure to contact me on telegram or discord if you find any issue! @xlsalvolx // xlsalvolx#9505
> Converted .txt files to .yml to prevent an issue with recent mythicmobs dev builds
Make sure to contact me on telegram or discord if you find any issue! @xlsalvolx // xlsalvolx#9505