- Required Dependencies
1.14+ CustomModelData or ItemsAdder
If you have any questions or requests about this product,
you can leave a message below or on my BLOG.
——Contact information ►
*If You use ItemsAdder*
Please get the resource pack through ItemsAdder.
④ Unzip the downloaded compressed file, and overwrite the data folder inside to the data folder generated by the ItemsAdder file
⑤ Use the command /iazip to pack the material
⑥ Go to this path to get the resource pack ["plugins\ItemsAdder\data\resource_pack\pack.zip"]
⑦ Install the acquired resource pack pack.zip
⑧ Use command /ia to open ItemsAdder item list
⑨ Get the items! Have Fun!
Instructional Video:
*No ItemsAdder In Your Server*
Put on a hat command
/item replace entity @p armor.head with diamond_horse_armor{CustomModelData:1}
Get 3DModel Tools
/give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{CustomModelData:1}
/give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{CustomModelData:2}
/give @p minecraft:diamond_axe{CustomModelData:1}
/give @p minecraft:diamond_hoe{CustomModelData:1}
/give @p minecraft:diamond_pickaxe{CustomModelData:1}
/give @p minecraft:diamond_shovel{CustomModelData:1}
*IF YOU USING Essentials*
You must type "minecraft:" before entering the command
/minecraft:item replace entity @p armor.head with diamond_horse_armor{CustomModelData:1}
/minecraft:give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{CustomModelData:1}
/minecraft:give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{CustomModelData:2}
/minecraft:give @p minecraft:diamond_axe{CustomModelData:1}
/minecraft:give @p minecraft:diamond_hoe{CustomModelData:1}
/minecraft:give @p minecraft:diamond_pickaxe{CustomModelData:1}
/minecraft:give @p minecraft:diamond_shovel{CustomModelData:1}
If you need other texture pack teaching, you can visit my blog. (ゝ∀・)⌒☆
Tool durability and resourcepacks teaching:
OptiFine resourcepacks teaching: