What's new
FlipCard | Say no to boring reward system. | 1.14-1.19

FlipCard | Say no to boring reward system. | 1.14-1.19 2.5.0

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  • Added re-open card flip page feature. Player can try re-open card flip page when the timer is not over or disabled.
  • Added support custom item as price.
  • Improved license system, plugin will not be disabled if you are not verified, you just can't use commands in game and plugin will ask you to verify.
  • Fixed some plugin loading errors.
  • Improved custom message system.
- Improved message files. It will be recode in next updates.
- Improved our license system.
- Added custom player skull material support in command reward type.
- Added card flip max times limit option.

- Some message mistake fix.
- Added message file auto updater.