- Versions
- 1.16
- Required Dependencies
- Triton, MMOItems, MIReplacer2
Language Support: 简体中文, English (The translation may not be 100% correct)
You can download dependencies here:
Triton: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/triton-translate-your-server.30331/
MIReplacer2: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mireplacer2-requires-mmoitems.70961/
WARN: This may have missed 1% block
And i use python for auto spawn
Source code here:
You can download dependencies here:
Triton: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/triton-translate-your-server.30331/
MIReplacer2: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mireplacer2-requires-mmoitems.70961/
WARN: This may have missed 1% block
And i use python for auto spawn
Source code here:
import json
import requests
def translate(word):
# 有道词典 API
url = 'http://fanyi.youdao.com/translate?smartresult=dict&smartresult=rule&smartresult=ugc&sessionFrom=null'
key = {
'type': "AUTO",
'i': word,
"doctype": "json",
"version": "2.1",
"keyfrom": "fanyi.web",
"ue": "UTF-8",
"action": "FY_BY_CLICKBUTTON",
"typoResult": "true"
response = requests.post(url, data=key)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.text
print("Failed to invoke Youdao Dictionary")
return None
def get_reuslt(repsonse):
result = json.loads(repsonse)
return result['translateResult'][0][0]['tgt']
def spawnMI(display, name, material, tier, triton):
if not triton:
f" base:\n"
f" material: {material}\n"
f" name: \"{display}\"\n"
f" tier: {tier}")
f" base:\n"
f" material: {material}\n"
f" name: \"[lang]mi.name.{display}[/lang]\"\n"
f" tier: {tier}")
def spawnTT(key, ZH, EN):
"\n \"key\": \"mi.name.{key}\",".replace("{key}", f"{key}"),
"\n \"type\": \"text\","
"\n \"languages\": {"
"\n \"en_GB\": \"{EN}\",".replace("{EN}", f"{EN}"),
"\n \"cn_ZH\": \"{ZH}\"".replace("{ZH}", f"{ZH}"),
"\n }"
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Enter Spawn List Here:
ch = input("(1. MMOItems, 2. Triton, 3. MIReplacer, 4. manual):")
r = 0
if ch == "1":
for i in block:
spawnMI(i.replace("_", "-").lower(), i.upper(), i, "COMMON", True)
elif ch == "2":
for i in block:
spawnTT(i.replace("_", "-").lower(), get_reuslt(translate(i.replace("_", " ").title())),
i.replace("_", " ").title())
r += 1
elif ch == "3":
for i in block:
print(f"{i.upper()}: MATERIAL.{i.upper()}")
elif ch == "4":
while 1:
inp = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
inp[0] = input("Display: ")
inp[1] = input("ID: ")
inp[2] = input("Material: ")
inp[3] = input("Tier: ")
inp[4] = input("EN: ")
inp[5] = input("CN: ")
spawnMI(inp[0].replace("_", "-").title(), inp[1].upper(), inp[2].upper(), inp[3], True)
spawnTT(inp[1], inp[4], inp[5])