All Classes and Interfaces

Represents a mutable vector.
Represents an active instance of a MythicMob
A class with methods for easily converting between MythicMobs abstract types and Bukkit types.
A bunch of special helper methods to help developers with basic tasks in MythicMobs.
Helper class for executing implementation-specific mechanics in Bukkit/Spigot.
Helper class for executing implementation-specific triggers in Bukkit/Spigot.
The TAG_Byte_Array tag.
The TAG_Byte tag.
The TAG_Compound tag.
Helps create compound tags.
Helper class for executing implementation-specific triggers in Bukkit/Spigot.
The TAG_Double tag.
Represents a drop entry in a DropTable
Holds all metadata necessary for drops
The TAG_End tag.
Provides methods for getting and tracking entities in the world asynchronously.
The TAG_Float tag.
Represents a generic skill caster that can be any Entity
The TAG_Int_Array tag.
The TAG_Int tag.
IOLoader<T extends>
The TAG_List tag.
Helps create list tags.
The TAG_Long tag.
Represents a skill
Represents a custom mob type
Event fired on server load to check for custom conditions in other plugins and allow them to register with MythicMobs
Fired whenever a damaging mechanic is used
Event fired on server load to check for custom drops in other plugins and allow them to register with MythicMobs
Fired whenever the heal mechanic is used
Event fired on server load to check for custom mechanics in other plugins and allow them to register with MythicMobs
Represents a custom mob type
Called when a MythicMob dies.
Called when a MythicMob despawns.
Called when a MythicItem is generated into an ItemStack.
Called when a MythicMob is generating loot drops (usually because it died).
Called when a MythicMob is going to spawn
Called when a MythicMob spawns
Event fired when MythicMobs finishes reloading
Called when a Mythic Projectile hits something.
Event fired when MythicMobs finishes reloading
Called when a MythicMob dies.
Event fired on server load to check for custom targeters in other plugins and allow them to register with MythicMobs
A tag that has a name.
A class which holds constant values.
A class which contains NBT-related utility methods.
Whether or not the supplied entity is valid for this pathfinder
The TAG_Double tag.
The TAG_Double tag.
The TAG_Double tag.
The TAG_Double tag.
The TAG_Short tag.
An entity that can cast Mythic skills
Represents a skill mechanic and its corresponding options
Holds all metadata necessary for skills to execute
Holds all metadata necessary for skills to execute
Possible triggers for skills
Possible triggers for skills
The TAG_String tag.
Represents a NBT tag.
A skill that has been triggered and is being passed for execution
Represents a skill variable