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MythicBetonAddon 1.12.0 for BetonQuest 1.12.0 and MythicMobs 4.10.0 free

for betonquest version 1.8.5 - 1.9.7

update 1.12.0: update for bq 1.12.0 and mythicmobs 4.10.0 free.

update 1.5c: more NPE handling.

update 1.4b: more NPE handling.

update 1.4a: better NPE handling.

update 1.2a: added faction option into the kill objective.



MythicMobs betonquest Mechanics

MythicMobs bqhastag Condition since 1.1a

The Objective: mmMythicMobsKillObjective

How to install? - Just copy the jar file into your plugins folder and restart your server.

Syntax? - mmMythicMobsKillObjective type:mmtype1,mmtype2,mmtype3 faction:anyfaction,or,a,list name:This_is_a_Name,This_is_Another_name level:1-5 amount:5 notify events:whatever

Type or name must be given. Or booth. If type is given then name can be optional and vise versa. Type and name can be a list. Example: type:mob1,mob2,mob3 or name:name1,name2,name3

If you use space in names then replace them with "_" in the objective. Example: mobdisplayname "a Mythic Mob" must be "a_Mythic_Mob" in the objective.

Level: Optional. Can be a single value or ranged. Ranged looks this: level:3-8 = all mobs with level between 3 and 8 matches.

Faction: Optional. If this field is set, only mobs that match type or name and faction count.

The Event: mmMythicMobsSpawnEvent

Syntax? - mmMythicMobsSpawnEvent loc:x,y,z,worldname mobtype:mobname level:integer amount:integer old Syntax for 1.8.5: - mmMythicMobsSpawnEvent x,y,z,worldname mobtype:mobname level:integer amount:integer

loc: x,y,z are the coordinates followed by the worldname. mobtype: valid MythicMobs Mob. level: the level of the mob. amount: is how many mobs will be spawned.

Example: mmMythicMobsSpawnEvent 0,70,0,world BigBoss:99 1 since 1.9.0 new Example: mmMythicMobsSpawnEvent loc:0,70,0,world BigBoss:99 1 This will spawn one mob of the type BigBoss at the location 0,70,0 in world with the level of 99.

The SkillCondition: bqhastag (since 1.1a)

Syntax? - Use as MythicMobs skill condition.

- bqhastag{tag=tagname;pack=packagename;action=true||false}

Usage: This condition meets if a player has the BetonQuest tag tagname in the package packagename.


  - bqhastag{tag=blabla;p=default;a=true}
  - message{msg="taget has the betonquest tag blabla in package default!"} @world

The SkillMechanic: betonquest

Syntax? - Use as MythicMobs skill.

- betonquest{package=packagename;conversation=conversationname;startsignal=startconv;endsignal=endconv}

Usage: This mechanics needs an player as trigger. Otherwise it would not work, ofcourse.



  Type: cow
  Display: 'a MythicMobs Monkey'
  - 0 clear
  - 1 randomstroll
  - betonquest{package=default;conversation=innkeeper;startsignal=startconv;endsignal=endconv} @trigger ~onInteract 1
  - skill{s=bqStartConv} @trigger ~onSignal:startconv 1
  - skill{s=bqEndConv} @trigger ~onSignal:endconv 1


  - runaigoalselector{s=clear} @self
  - delay 1
  - runaigoalselector{s=lookatplayers} @self
  - RunAIGoalSelector{s=clear} @self
  - delay 1
  - RunAIGoalSelector{s=randomstroll} @self

This example starts the default innkeeper conversation shipped with betonquest for everyplayer who right click the mob. You can use startsignal and endsignal optional to notify the mob whenever a conversation is start- or ended. Usefull if you like to change the mobs pathfindergoals or such. The conversation end signal will be only send if there is no other player having a conversation started with this mob.